Pots used for Shohin and Mame are a study in themselves. Beautiful pots are now being made in the West for Shohin and Mame, especially with the increased interest shown in this variety of Bonsai since the new millennium.

If you’ve ever attended one of my talks on displaying Bonsai. you will recall my enthusiasm for doffing the cap towards traditional Japanese display ethics while adopting those principles for our own environment and indigenous tree species here in the UK or Northern Europe.

In this article we attempt to create an overview of all the Bonsai events held yearly, worldwide. The dates shown here are those of past years, so these will vary slightly over the years.

With many thanks to Paul Goff we can offer you a few Bonsai desktop wallpapers to download!

"During May, June and July, the northern hemisphere is exposed to more direct sunlight because the hemisphere faces the sun. The same is true of the southern hemisphere in November, December and January.

After thirty years working with Bonsai I decided enough was enough – I needed a decent bench to display my ever growing collection of Bonsai. It took me a further three years to finally get round to actually building it.

Master the art of Bonsai

Master the art of Bonsai
Overview of our courses

Master the art of Bonsai

Online Bonsai Courses Learn from leading Bonsai experts at your own pace, from the comfort of your living room!

In this article an attempt is made to explain the most commonly used Bonsai terminology, with a section on English botanical terms, Japanese styles / general terms and an explanation of Bonsai tools.

Bonsai trees are mystical objects, subject of the imagination. To provide some insight in where it comes from and what it's about we created an infographic, with all the basic information you need to get started.

Master the art of Bonsai

Master the art of Bonsai
Overview of our courses

Master the art of Bonsai

Online Bonsai Courses Learn from leading Bonsai experts at your own pace, from the comfort of your living room!